Unlocking Client Gatekeepers

Getting to “yes” when your client’s trusted advisor blindly says “no” – overcoming objections from a client’s CPA or attorney is part and parcel of a wealth advisor’s experience.

While questions are both appreciated and necessary in an attempt at understanding, some protestations are devoid of intellect and beyond baseless. They often emanate from a complete lack of subject knowledge, an unwillingness to learn something new or an excess of hubris. Whatever the reason, one thing is certain: When faced with vacuous rejection from a gatekeeper, your client will suffer from another’s lack of care and breach of integrity, perhaps resulting in substantial loss, unless you can overcome the challenge.

By Bradley A. Barros and Steven A. Horowitz, Esq.

Read the full story here: https://www.wealthmanagement.com/client-relations/unlocking-client-gatekeepers